Monday, May 25, 2009

Wake Up! Going Fishing!

This morning at like 6:30 am ~ on a holiday ~ Scott tells me he is going to take the girls fishin'. Great. Have fun. See you in a couple of hours. Roll over. Go back to sleep. . .What?

You are taking my two little girls, just the two girls?

Really? Silly! Brave dad. That's only one of the sixteen million reasons why I love him! Cody tells Dad, "I think you might need some help, Jules won't bait her own hook or take the fish off, if she even catches one!" Okay. Hmmmm . . . Problem solved. One stud dad, one little boy, who thinks he is 20, and two little girls going fishing.

Problem #2. Me and the boy Nickolas are left here to stare at each other, at 7:22 in the morning. He is in his room ~ has been for 20 minutes. I think he is ENJOYING the QUIET! Me, I am on the computer ENJOYING the QUIET. It is strange for the boy to be separated from siblings that he is around 24-7. Well, maybe we will go eat breakfast. Maybe we will go see a movie, anything good on? Maybe we will go shopping for new crocs, he needs some. Maybe we will do a lot together my oldest and me ~ if he ever comes out of his room!

Date wrong, this was taken last Christmas!


  1. After almost 2 hours! We had fun, went to
    Steak n Shake, Barnes and Noble and Wal-mart! Yippee! He is a bookworm, so all was well with the turkey!
