However, I would love a mother's manual. I mean really, wouldn't you too? Sometimes it is so hard to make decisions concerning my children. They are Scott's too, but I am speaking from a mother's perspective today. The older they get the more I fret and stress over decisions like ~ Do we go back to school? Do we make them take piano? Should I let him read this book? Where should we go to church? When are they old enough to watch Lord of the Rings? Do they have to eat their peas? Honestly, decisions make me crazy. Not the peas type but the ones that will really influence my kids.
Cody has had a friend in the hospital for almost 4 weeks now. Grant is one sick kid. Almost died kind of sick. I think to myself a lot about how whether or not Cody plays the piano, keeps a clean room, memorizes all 44 presidents, can master multiplication tables will matter at all when he meets his Maker. I think about how my dirty, cluttered house will be only a memory if even that when my kids get bigger and have kids of their own. Why do I stress so? Why? Because for eternities sake I want to make good decisions. Now could someone please go find me a mother's manual? I have a few questions needing answers ~ because I love them too!

I agree completely. I keep thinking that all I want is for them to grow up to love God and be a productive person.
ReplyDeleteBut I often focus on the productive and not the loving God part.
Amen sista! I wish someone would just make the decisions for me. All I can say is that we keep doing the best we can and hope that as our kids get older they remember what we've taught them and make good choices (of course, if they learn what I teach them, then they won't be able to make a decision either - lol:)
ReplyDeleteOh so true Suzie`Q!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! I get SO TIRED of all of the decisions. I actually find myself begging the Coach to just TELL ME WHAT TO DO. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe comfort, I think, is that the Lord gives us His Holy Spirit AND the tangible visible opinion of our husbands to help us out.
I really just want my kids to love God and love people. But then someone has to teach them to tie their shoes, too. (sigh)