Friday, May 29, 2009

Drive Thru History

Have you heard of Drive thru History DVD's? They are pretty darn great. Focus on the Family sells them. My pupils have been watching them lately. They love them, especially the boys. I ordered three episodes hoping for something to do besides stare at a textbook for history. I was pleasantly surprised! The guide is a little quirky, but he keeps the kids attention. Beautiful! Wonderful!

I was also pleased with the amount of factual information in the stories, especially the Pilgrim episode. I was so pleased and surprised . . . I hopped on over to the Internet in hopes of finding Drive thru Math, Drive thru English, and Drive thru Spelling! Well, a girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:

  1. Those would be great for kids to watch during roadtrips.
    Thanks for the idea!
