Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday

My friend over at Mrs. Troop started having Thankful Thursdays some time ago. I decided I should think about all I have to be thankful for ~ at least once a week. So here goes the first of many Thankful Thursdays . . .

  1. My kids and husband. They have been good this week, given me lots of sugars and forgiven me for losing my patience ~ on more than one occasion.

  2. My suburban. It is filthy inside and out at the moment, but ohhh! so easy to just "throw" every one in and go!

  3. My family. They are coming over this week-end.

  4. A clean bathroom. Doesn't happen too often around here!

  5. Flowers. Love them. All kinds. Love them.

  6. Money to buy new pants. Mine don't fit from last year. UGGG!

  7. Health. We are all healthy. Thank you God! Forgive me for taking our good health for granted.

  8. Bottles of water. Drinking lots of them. CLUE #6 :)

  9. Sharla. She is coming tomorrow. Love that girl!

  10. My computer. What would I do without facebook, e-mail, and blogs? Love them all!

Happy Thursday Folks!


  1. Love the list. I didn't get to mine this week because we were gone on a camping trip.

  2. OH! I love Thankful Thursdays! Gotta quit missing them over here. :-) LOVE your list. At first I thought it said, "money to buy new plants". But pants? That IS my new plan - just buy bigger pants. You're probably talking about SMALLER, though! :-) Love ya~
