Monday, April 27, 2009

Small spaces and smiles to make it all worth while . . .

Kati's favorite place to read, draw, eat, or scheme is now the laundry basket. She piles her blankets in there and is happy as a lark. Until we tell her time for chores ~ then her words resemble a bark . . .
Here are the two girls peeling carrots to cook a roast, well two of them actually. Yes, I know we kept the Easter eggs for too long. The kids have hidden them in the yard one hundred times and we have only cracked four.

And last but not least a few Easter pictures. What a blessed day! My kids are old enough to know that Easter is for the Resurrection not the Easter bunny, but are any of us old enough to really understand or comprehend what the Saviour does for us each and every day? He bled and died and rose again so that through grace not of works might I be saved, hmmm what a life, what a message, what a hope!
I need no other argument,

I need no other plea,

It is enough that Jesus died,

And that he died for me.

My Faith Has Found A Resting Place

We hope all of you have a blessed day! The Currys


  1. Oh Sumer! what beautiful kids. Katie especially reminds me of exactly what you looked like so many years ago when we were her age!

  2. Your family is beautiful! The kids look so much like their parents.
    You are a lucky mom and I look forward to keeping up with your family on your blog.

  3. Thanks Stefne! Your blog is soooo good and educational, mine is there to keep me from going crazy!
