Now to the ten dollars. I know bribing your children is wrong and I know they don't need Sonic drinks to make the world go round. However, a little family competition can be good for the soul. I made a deal 6 months ago with my kids . . . the child who has the highest score at the dentist will get ten bucks and a large Sonic drink. Don't turn me into Dr. Phil, it was all just for fun. Wow! the results ~ everybody did good! Nickolas Austin is the winner of the ten dollars and today will get to pick out his drink! No cavities and lots of white smiles to go around. So when I heard we were cavity free once again I was feeling pretty good until he said, "Mrs. Curry, orthodontic evaluations need to happen for Nick, Cody, and Julianna." Really? Nice. Braces. Money. Lots of it. Doesn't he know I would like a vacation first?
As in water, sand, sea gulls, cute drinks with umbrellas in them . . .
Does anybody know an orthodontist that will take payment in pies?
And the winner is . . . Nickolas!!
We will post pictures later of before and after when the roof is all done. Until then have a great day!
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