Monday, April 27, 2009

Rain, rain, go away or else the insanity might stay!

It is raining, has been for a while, all morning long. Stop. Go away rain. Please. The kids are in their desperate mode of transforming rooms into stages . . .

Scene 1 - Jules dancing

Scene 2 - Kati's performance

Scene 3 - The boys being silly, irritating the girls . . .

And yes! Those are my buffet lamps that they have turned into spotlights . . .

Scene 4 - The Judge!

And yes, she is on my buffet table, no kidding! I know, I know, the dog will scratch the wood . . .

And the winner is . . . Kati

Funny how the dog always picks her?

Small spaces and smiles to make it all worth while . . .

Kati's favorite place to read, draw, eat, or scheme is now the laundry basket. She piles her blankets in there and is happy as a lark. Until we tell her time for chores ~ then her words resemble a bark . . .
Here are the two girls peeling carrots to cook a roast, well two of them actually. Yes, I know we kept the Easter eggs for too long. The kids have hidden them in the yard one hundred times and we have only cracked four.

And last but not least a few Easter pictures. What a blessed day! My kids are old enough to know that Easter is for the Resurrection not the Easter bunny, but are any of us old enough to really understand or comprehend what the Saviour does for us each and every day? He bled and died and rose again so that through grace not of works might I be saved, hmmm what a life, what a message, what a hope!
I need no other argument,

I need no other plea,

It is enough that Jesus died,

And that he died for me.

My Faith Has Found A Resting Place

We hope all of you have a blessed day! The Currys

The Waltons!

Here at the Currys we have given up cable television. My kids don't miss it one little bit, I miss Fox News ~ but moms don't count right? For Christmas the kids' Grandma Janny got all of us the entire 9 years of The Waltons. We have Walton fever around here, have had it for a couple of months now. Scott secretly likes the Waltons more than the kids, but he will never admit it. There is something euphoric that happens around here when the DVD goes in, the blankets get spread out and the popcorn popper gets plugged in. Even when Scott is out of town the kids would not dare watch an episode without him. Today for English we wrote complete sentences about our favorite Waltons characters.

Here are a few thoughts about their favorite show.

"My favorite Waltons character is, I can't decide, I like so many! Well Ben, Jason and Jim-Bob, I like a lot. Cody and I don't like John-Boy anymore because he has kissed too many girls.
Jason is the music genius of the family and he likes to sing. Ben is the schemer and likes to find ways to make money and even likes to fish. I like fish too. Jim-Bob is the dreamer of the family and wants to some day become a fighter pilot.
I like the Waltons because it is a very good show. It has lots of good actors and actresses and good plots with suspenseful scenes and exciting ones too. I also like watching the episodes with my family. " by Nick!

"My favorite Waltons character is, Grandpa. I like him because he is funny. He knows a lot about life. He is a hard worker. The one part I liked the most was when he threw a statue into a pond. Grandma didn't like the statue and it reminded her of one of Grandpa's old girlfriends. Grandma is funny to." Cody

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Mess and Ten Dollars!

We have a mess here at the Currys. A big mess. Mess. Mess. Mess. I told Scott yesterday, there is no way the mess will ever be cleaned up but he assured me that this wasn't the first roof the company had put on. Really? How about throwing the old shingles into the trailer they brought out for old shingles instead of throwing them all over my pansies! Old shingles all over, rusty nails, and dead pansies . . . don't make for a happy mama! Albeit a mess, we are grateful for our new roof, for no more leaks in my kitchen and for a pretty color now. I have hated my roof since we bought this house almost 2 years ago, it was so ugly. The new roof is pretty brown. Last month I bought some new paint for the house so that will be the new project! The kids are dying start painting. Mom, not so much!

Now to the ten dollars. I know bribing your children is wrong and I know they don't need Sonic drinks to make the world go round. However, a little family competition can be good for the soul. I made a deal 6 months ago with my kids . . . the child who has the highest score at the dentist will get ten bucks and a large Sonic drink. Don't turn me into Dr. Phil, it was all just for fun. Wow! the results ~ everybody did good! Nickolas Austin is the winner of the ten dollars and today will get to pick out his drink! No cavities and lots of white smiles to go around. So when I heard we were cavity free once again I was feeling pretty good until he said, "Mrs. Curry, orthodontic evaluations need to happen for Nick, Cody, and Julianna." Really? Nice. Braces. Money. Lots of it. Doesn't he know I would like a vacation first?
As in water, sand, sea gulls, cute drinks with umbrellas in them . . .

Does anybody know an orthodontist that will take payment in pies?

And the winner is . . . Nickolas!!

We will post pictures later of before and after when the roof is all done. Until then have a great day!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just like Dad!

A few minutes ago I went outside to offer some iced tea to the hard working fishermen. I knew they were "cleaning" the fish, but what surprised me was the way my boys were diligently filleting the fish. In fact as I watched them they made the same facial expressions as their dad. It suddenly occurred to me that these boys know how to clean a fish! God willing one day they will teach their boys and grandsons after them to do the same.
Why? What makes a boy want to sit for hours and clean fish? They haven't even stopped to eat anything, but neither one of them has said a word about being hungry. Most days if they don't eat 9 meals a day they are complaining about being "starved to death."
Our boys have learned to love what their dad loves and grandpa before them loved. Now, God can use some boys like ours!
Happy Sunday!

Fishy, fishy . . .

Spring around most people's place means cleaning, gardening, painting, trimming trees, etc. Spring at the Curry's is all about . . . FISH!

The boys (Dad, Nick, Cody) went fishing at Lake Eufaula this weekend and they brought us back a little somethin' somethin' . . . fish! And a lot of them. Crappie fish. 80 of them. Caught in a day and a half! Their guts all over my driveway . . . oops! sorry, back to the story at hand.

These boys of mine stay up half the night, eat junk food, sleep in the back of a suburban, wear dirty undies in the rain ~ just for the fish? Nickolas and Cody are just like their Dad. They love the water, the excitement, the peacefulness, and the thrill of the BIG catch!

While I am quite sure they are all out on my driveway reliving their "big trip" ~ Jules and I are left to cleaning out the freezer so that we will have room for Fishy Big and Fishy Small and all their cousins. Kati, well she is one of them. She likes the feel of fish slime and is quite comfortable with fish guts. Her husband will have his hands full one of these days, pray for him, for me and for Scott . . .

Enjoy the pictures!

Fishy Smellin Greetings to you and yours,

Here's our girl!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good-bye Tiger-Wolf!

On the day of April Fool's we had a bad thing happen. My mom had our dog, Tiger, put to sleep. On the day before April Fool's Day Tiger did something that would turn out to cost him his life.

On Tuesday night we were all playing in our yard, having a good time, when we heard Kati screaming at the top of her lungs. She was holding her hand and she was bleeding. I ran towards her and she was yelling, "Tiger bit me, Tiger bit me!"

Kati had to go to the emergency clinic because she had puncture wound all the way to her bone. Her hand hurts a lot. She has to take medicine too.

These are some of the things we love about Tiger. He would chase us and run and liked to fish with us at Papa Tolbert's. He loved being at Papa Tolbert's. I would even feed him the tiny fish we caught. Tiger hated the UPS man and made his ride in our neighborhood miserable. One time Tiger jumped in the moving UPS truck and the driver was yelling. Now when the UPS truck goes by our house he drives really fast to avoid our crazy dog. Yesterday, the UPS man drove by really fast and Tiger wasn't there to chase him.

Tiger was at least 12 years old, maybe a little older. He was cranky in his old age and was getting gray hairs. He was the best dog to me and Cody and we sure won't forget him.

Here are the last pictures we have of Tiger ~ he liked to pee on my mom's flowers! :)

Have a good day, NICK