Saturday, May 30, 2009

T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz

T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz: "

Take the fun, Mom to Mom quiz and discover your parenting style.

Really?? hmmmm . . . Scott's the meannie bobeannie, I just pretend to be. Well, truth be known he just pretends too!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Drive Thru History

Have you heard of Drive thru History DVD's? They are pretty darn great. Focus on the Family sells them. My pupils have been watching them lately. They love them, especially the boys. I ordered three episodes hoping for something to do besides stare at a textbook for history. I was pleasantly surprised! The guide is a little quirky, but he keeps the kids attention. Beautiful! Wonderful!

I was also pleased with the amount of factual information in the stories, especially the Pilgrim episode. I was so pleased and surprised . . . I hopped on over to the Internet in hopes of finding Drive thru Math, Drive thru English, and Drive thru Spelling! Well, a girl can dream can't she?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Manual

My son and my husband are manual readers. Manuals, like as in those white things that come with new toys, TVs, appliances, etc. etc. I am proud to say I have never read one. Never. Don't have enough patience. Why would I bother ~ I have Nickolas, and he reads the dictionary and thesaurus for fun????

However, I would love a mother's manual. I mean really, wouldn't you too? Sometimes it is so hard to make decisions concerning my children. They are Scott's too, but I am speaking from a mother's perspective today. The older they get the more I fret and stress over decisions like ~ Do we go back to school? Do we make them take piano? Should I let him read this book? Where should we go to church? When are they old enough to watch Lord of the Rings? Do they have to eat their peas? Honestly, decisions make me crazy. Not the peas type but the ones that will really influence my kids.

Cody has had a friend in the hospital for almost 4 weeks now. Grant is one sick kid. Almost died kind of sick. I think to myself a lot about how whether or not Cody plays the piano, keeps a clean room, memorizes all 44 presidents, can master multiplication tables will matter at all when he meets his Maker. I think about how my dirty, cluttered house will be only a memory if even that when my kids get bigger and have kids of their own. Why do I stress so? Why? Because for eternities sake I want to make good decisions. Now could someone please go find me a mother's manual? I have a few questions needing answers ~ because I love them too!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wake Up! Going Fishing!

This morning at like 6:30 am ~ on a holiday ~ Scott tells me he is going to take the girls fishin'. Great. Have fun. See you in a couple of hours. Roll over. Go back to sleep. . .What?

You are taking my two little girls, just the two girls?

Really? Silly! Brave dad. That's only one of the sixteen million reasons why I love him! Cody tells Dad, "I think you might need some help, Jules won't bait her own hook or take the fish off, if she even catches one!" Okay. Hmmmm . . . Problem solved. One stud dad, one little boy, who thinks he is 20, and two little girls going fishing.

Problem #2. Me and the boy Nickolas are left here to stare at each other, at 7:22 in the morning. He is in his room ~ has been for 20 minutes. I think he is ENJOYING the QUIET! Me, I am on the computer ENJOYING the QUIET. It is strange for the boy to be separated from siblings that he is around 24-7. Well, maybe we will go eat breakfast. Maybe we will go see a movie, anything good on? Maybe we will go shopping for new crocs, he needs some. Maybe we will do a lot together my oldest and me ~ if he ever comes out of his room!

Date wrong, this was taken last Christmas!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Note

She is the most gentle, loving child I know. Her name is Julianna Joy ~ she is mama and daddy's joy! Her brothers protect her ~ her sister follows her ~ we all are thankful for her!

. . . blessed are the peacemakers . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday

My friend over at Mrs. Troop started having Thankful Thursdays some time ago. I decided I should think about all I have to be thankful for ~ at least once a week. So here goes the first of many Thankful Thursdays . . .

  1. My kids and husband. They have been good this week, given me lots of sugars and forgiven me for losing my patience ~ on more than one occasion.

  2. My suburban. It is filthy inside and out at the moment, but ohhh! so easy to just "throw" every one in and go!

  3. My family. They are coming over this week-end.

  4. A clean bathroom. Doesn't happen too often around here!

  5. Flowers. Love them. All kinds. Love them.

  6. Money to buy new pants. Mine don't fit from last year. UGGG!

  7. Health. We are all healthy. Thank you God! Forgive me for taking our good health for granted.

  8. Bottles of water. Drinking lots of them. CLUE #6 :)

  9. Sharla. She is coming tomorrow. Love that girl!

  10. My computer. What would I do without facebook, e-mail, and blogs? Love them all!

Happy Thursday Folks!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Random Thoughts On The House ~ The Yard ~ The Garden

Don't have a lot of time this Tuesday, we have some serious work to do. Our garden has been taken over by weeds and grass. The house has been taken over by the dirties and we are having my family over this week-end. Good fun will be had by all, but not before I get busy.

As a lot of you know we have been working on our house for over a year now. Scott did a great job ~ it was a total gut, except for bath tile in one bathroom and a few pieces of trim here and there. I tried really hard to rip the nasty doors off and throw them into the dumpster whenever I could sneak them by the men, but some still remain. My sweet Uncle Dan came down from Kansas City and painted for 48 hours straight on the new cabinets, woodwork and remaining doors that I was not permitted to "gut." When I get my kitchen cleaned up ~ I will post pictures! When I get the kitchen cleaned up . . .

Here are a few pictures of the lovely bathrooms then!

The house is coming along nicely but the yard is another matter.

I threw a good fit to the dog yesterday about this yard of mine and all the dirt/mud instead of grass/sod. I gave her a chewie afterward, so she forgave me. The kids and I worked for 5 hours to cut out some ugly bushes that were growing so high you couldn't see in the windows! Here is a picture of just a FEW of the bushes we have taken out.

We are off to Lowe's for bushes and to the grain store for some cantaloupe seeds. Our gardens in the past have produced some pretty good veggies and something for the boys to do besides talk my ear off!

Have a great day! Sumer

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Turtle Lesson

As I was mowing the other day I looked over to see little toot-toot building a cage of some sort.

A little thought came to mind. Poor animal . . . Run! Run for your life! Whatever you are . . . Run! Kati will take you over, rule you, spank you, talk to you . . . incessantly, bathe you in bubble bath, feed you weird things . . . Run! I know this little girl of mine. She likes to control things.

Five minutes later I was introduced to Mr. Snappy Two. Snappy One is buried in our yard somewhere ~ probably from drinking too much grape juice or it might have been the perfume she dumped on him. Anyway, I was formally introduced and went back to mowing.

Twenty minutes later I saw big tears. Ugly tears. Red face to go with her tears.

Poor Kati, Snappy Two had escaped! (smart turtle)

Kati defiantly told me, "Dumb turtle, doesn't he know that I would be his best mommy. I would have taken good care of him. I would have protected him. He shouldn't have run away!"

As I pondered this statement from my child I began to realize I do the same thing to my Heavenly Father. I do not always follow His ways. I mess up. A lot. His ways are perfect but still I flee ~ wanting to do things on my own. He has given me His Word to guide me, to protect me from my pride, but yet I foolishly run.

Forgive me Father for not realizing that you alone are my best and that you will take care of me and guide me each and every day. If only I would . . .

Proverbs 3:1-6

"My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Have a great week bloggy friends!

Love, Sumer

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's . . . The Day after Mother's Day!

I hope all of you had a wonderful mother's day yesterday, I know I did! I am blessed beyond measure! So much more than I deserve. In mowing the lawn this morning I was thinking (scary, I know) about all of the mothers that I truly, truly love in this life. So many I have learned from, marveled at, cried with and secretly wanted to be like. Here are a few of them . . .

First, I have to list my mom. She is beautiful in and out, a real treasure who's worth I could never, ever measure. She is a great "Gran" and gives the word hospitality it's meaning. All who enter her home are welcome and loved and asked to come again, especially if you brag on her kids or grand kids. She used to work two jobs to take care of my brother, sister and me. She is a loving mother, daughter, sister, grandmother and friend. She lost her own mother so early in life but has never missed the opportunity to love and mother so many others. I love, honor and appreciate her.

My mother's mother was known as Nanny to me. She died long ago (when I was 3) leaving a family that dearly loved her. Sometimes I can't wait to get to heaven just to see her face to face!

My dad's mother was named Eula Faye, she was a petite lady, who also died early in life. I wish I had a picture of her to show you, but the next best thing is to look at my sister Sundi ~ Wow! they look so much alike. This is a picture of my dad, Nancy, the kids and me.

I would like to tell you about Janis and Wilma. They are my husband's mother and grandmother. They gave me my Scott. I guess that sums up how special I think Grandma Janny and Great-Grandma Wilma are! Grandma Janny likes to swim with the kids and she isn't afraid to skate, roller blade or rip stick. Go Grandma!

This is Grandma Mary. Wow, what a lady. There are not enough hours in the day to tell you what a jewel she was to me. The reason Scott and I bought the house we are now living in was so that Grandma and Grandpa could live by us. At nine o'clock on Wednesday mornings I still want to go get her, wheel her to my car and take her to get her hair "all prettied up!" She left such an imprint on our hearts, her and Grandpa both ~ my kids talk about them every single day. I will miss her until God calls me home.

Next is sweet Audie. She is my step-dad's mother, and has adopted me like I was her own. Audie truly is a prayer warrior. What a gift we have in Audie. Here is a picture of Audie with Nickolas and her son, JB.

This is a picture of my dad's wife. Nancy is good to my kids and they get giddy when she sends them mail, because she has usually added a Sonic card and candy to the envelope! So nice!! Nancy will become a grandma for real in a few days. Her heart and life will change and be filled up with joy at the arrival of Lilly Rae. We are happy for her!

Here is a picture from long ago ~ my Aunt Linda, Uncle Mark, and cousins Lisa and LeAnn. My Aunt Linda buried her youngest daughter, LeAnn, around Mother's Day two years ago. My cousin was pregnant with her first child, a boy. My aunt Linda lives every day missing her child and the grandchild she never knew.

This is the most organized mother I know. My friend Denise. She lost her mother around Mother's Day and yet she still has the time and love to wish all of her friends the best. She is forever my friend.

*** I can't get her picture to upload . . . picture coming!!****

Next is sweet Jean. She was my kids art teacher and more important my mentor for a couple of years. She is full of wisdom and courageous enough to share it. She is a tender hearted lady who has been through a lot in life. Her boys are so lucky to have her and so am I.

This is a picture from 2005 ~ Nickolas (my oldest) and Mrs. Garner. She taught Nickolas and Julianna both. She is loving and orderly and has made our lives the better for knowing her. She challenges me to be a better mother. I want to be like her when I "grow up."

Another favorite mom of mine is Mrs. Troop. ( My friend Karen is the mother of 8. Yes, I said 8 kids! She is patient and wonderful ~ fills her home with love and shares her wisdom with all of us who can't wait for her to blog about life with 8 kids! Whenever I am lucky enough to communicate with Karen (usually through facebook or e-mail) she blesses me. God is using Karen. She has a ministry on that blog of hers. And OH! it is so pretty, 3 columns and all!

My friend from grade school, Miss Suzie-Q ! Wasn't she just the prettiest bridesmaid? She has her own blog too! ( We are having fun catching up through time and distance. She has the two cutest kids, Trey and Lexi. Her mom used to drive us around in a brown El-Camino and take us to get doughnuts on Campbell Street. Suzie and I went to see Annie when it first came out and we were proud to sport Annie apparel. (Except her ruffled socks had bigger ruffles than mine. After three years of therapy I can say that out loud. HA!)

This young man you see here is Jonathan Davis. He has one special mom. Her name is Lorena. I wish I had a picture of her, but look at the smile on Jonathan's face and that will tell you a lot about Lorena. Jonathan has high-functioning autism and his mother has done an amazing job with him. Lorena ~ Jonathan and Elizabeth are so blessed to have you as a mom and I to have you as a friend.

Next is Mrs. Angie Bushey. Her beauty on the outside is only matched by her beautiful heart and life. She taught my Kati how to read and don't you know I love her for that! Mrs. Bushey became a mom this year to Miss Emma Elizabeth. Angie is full of love and wisdom, a real treasure ~ a wonderful mother in the making! Happy 1st Mother's Day, Angie!

Next is Stefne Miller. She has a wonderful blog herself ( Stefne and her husband Shaun have already adopted one child from Africa and are in the process of adopting two more. (One child a boy and finally for her a girl, too!) Scott and I worked with Stefne at the Capitol, and have known her for almost 15 years! God is using Stefne to minister to me and others through her adoption trials and through her life as a mom (of 3 kids now soon to be 5), wife and friend.

I would be remiss not to mention this next person. Miss Sharla helps me stay sane, stay ahead of this game called life and has taught my children so much. Sharla is spunky! She isn't afraid to take charge, a good quality when you watching 4 kids. Sharla is one of us now. I would take her in a heartbeat if her mother would just let me. Here is a picture of Sharla and the kids.

And last but not least I would like to thank my husband and my kids. I have been asking forgiveness for my bad attitude too much lately and need to do a better job with them. They wake up every day with beautiful smiles and loving hearts, I am so blessed!

Mother's Day picture in May 2003 . . . With a grateful heart I send my Mother's Day greetings to all of you . . . a day late!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Lost Control" ~ over and out!

Some women were born with a "home school" gene, which apparently got lost in my DNA make-up. Oh, my kids and I we have the greatest of times, at times. And then ~ there are days like today ~ every time I turned around someone was doing something to seriously make me crazy and laugh with my whole heart ~ all at the same time . . .

Like sitting in my Bradford pear tree to do her English.

Or laying on the trampoline to do their math. They are in the same grade and like I don't know they were sharing answers. She likes multiplication. He doesn't. And she is sporting a new pocket knife on her belt. I wasn't born yesterday.

Or reading a book in your sister's moon chair instead of doing your American Nation questions.

What's a mom to do? Clearly Lord, I have lost control. The kids have taken over (I am too tired to care) and my brain hurts from trying to figure out 5th grade math.

But tomorrow is another day, and hey my pansies are lookin good! Over and out! Sumer

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Mom Poem

It's Not A Weed To Me!

Today the little rascal presented a token of love to me,

A simple little weed he found growing out by our apple tree.

Our days are often full of trials, this little boy and me,

If I would surrender and give him his way, a happy boy he thinks he would be.

It seems like only yesterday he was turning three,

Now this big 10-year old still fills my heart with glee.

One day this little boy will grow up and God's man he will be,

But today he was proud to bring me my own little weed . . .

"LOOK Mom, a beautiful flower, just for you from me!"