Hello there from the Curry house. Yes, you read correctly, it is snowing. We are working hard on home schooling, Cody is making breakfast. Eggs in the middle of toast ~ he is really good at it. He gets the griddle out, butters the bread. He cuts a hole in the middle of the egg with a biscuit cutter, then crack the egg into the hole. He griddles this for a couple of minutes, and WOW! A healthy breakfast. Cody likes to put a little apple butter on his, the girls like jelly and Nick doesn't care. Today, we have home school PE at the YMCA. Love PE class. Mom loves it too! :) 2 hours of directed play and hard work, even swimming (aka babysitting.) Have a great day!
1 month ago
We LOVE eggs and toast like that! We call them birds in a nest.