My kids are not like me, (well 3 of them anyway) they like to take chances and drive golf carts 30 miles an hour over speed bumps and around corners. The house where we were staying had a brand new golf cart to use and let me tell you, we broke it in good. Normally I have to beg for the trash to be taken to the curb for trash day; however, at the lake we go through 65 trash bags in a week, because my kids are always needing to take the trash to the dumpster. It just so happens that the dumpster was a short golf cart ride away! :0) We seriously ran the battery out every single day for 6 days! Little did I know (until we were leaving) you were supposed to be 13 to drive them, oops! I have a 12 year old, does that count?
The boys did some serious fishing, every single day, for 6 days in a row. It was catch and release, because Dad wasn't there and mama don't catch em', clean em' or eat em' for that matter.
The last 24 hours of our week was spent in a whirlwind trip to Missouri. We saw my dad and celebrated birthdays and Father's Day. He taught the girls how to play Scrabble. He has lots of soft drinks in the house, and an endless supply of M & M's and cable and comfy beds . . .
We saw cousins and had a great time at the water park. My 74 year old great aunt swam with the kids.
Kayla, Regan, Kati, JulesAfter 8 hours at the family reunion we met my Papa and his wife Donna for dinner. My Papa is one of life's treasures, some day I will write about him. He is so fun and wise and silly and crazy and loving all at the same time. My kids call him Big Papa ~ it fits we love him BIG!
Amanda (my sis-in-law), my girls, my mom, me, Papa and Donna
Papa, my step-dad, JB, my boys and my brother, Jason
Fun times, I tell ya, fun times. Well, Scott took the girls to piano today so I could work on laundry and the house and I haven't done anything but catch up on blogs and look at facebook. Better get busy. Have a wonderful day and stay cool friends!