School - we are done. Done. Didn't get as far as I would have liked but Scott said, "you're done for a while." Loved those words! The kids are still reading, reading, reading but we have taken a break from math, history and spelling. I ordered some cool DVDs about history, mechanics, science and archeology ~ that is going to be the extent of our school for a couple of months.
The dog - Miley Mae is gone. Disappeared. Gone. My kids are broken hearted and it has bummed me out too. Not just that Miley Mae is gone, but in the last year and a half, since buying this house, (that has a guest house in our backyard where Grandpa lived for4 months and Grandma for 1 year) we have lost both great-grandparents and now 4 dogs. Not that I am a big dog person, but the kids enjoy their pets ~ and I secretly enjoyed Miley too! Two of the 4 dogs were Grandpa's, they were old and died naturally. Tiger, the boy's dog, attacked Kati and we had him put to sleep. He was old and cranky ~ obviously. Miley Mae was just 9 months old and she disappeared last Thursday. She was the best little dog. A real joy for the kids. She had the most pleasant way about her. The kids played with her every day, all day. Scott and the kids have looked and looked. I have looked and looked. She is just gone. Scott thinks a coyote got her. I have put ads on craigs list and in the newspaper. Notes like this are a daily occurrence ~ it says, "Miley, I Love You", notice the chewy and the rose. 
My kids are constantly asking me why the dog is gone? Why did Grandma not live long enough to see our cannas we planted come up? Why did Grandpa not live long enough to see our garden? Why didn't the coyotes take the neighbors dog who is ugly instead of my dog that was cute? (yikes) Why this and why that . . . it wears on a mom after awhile. Today I put the dog bed, chewy and water bowl up. Could not stand to see my 10-year old Cody go put fresh water in that bowl one more time, with the hope of Miley returning. Could not stand it. I told them again gently that the dog is gone. . . oh! the tears! Seriously, the dog has been gone since Thursday and we still have tears every night??? So hard to understand that God does not always answer our prayers just the way we see fit. Scott finally promised Kati she could have another dog. That has helped a little. This was taken just the other day.
Aren't you glad that God is bigger than all of these situations we face in life? I am. Until next time ~ love your kids, love your husband, hug them extra tight and be ye thankful! Love, SUMER